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Now in its third printing, this new book was published in September 2020.

During the first two months of the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine, Anita Buzzy-Prentiss photographed almost 200 “porchraits” – pictures of people on or near their porches all around Pittsburgh. She felt like she was on a mission to spread, love, gratitude, joy and hope.

She and her collaborator, Ellen Beckjord, asked these same five questions of everyone who is pictured in this book:

What do you miss?
What are you enjoying?
What is surprising you?
What are you learning?
What do you hope for?

What you’ll read is an excerpt from their answers. This collection of images and thoughts is inspiring, insightful, delightful, and wise – guidance and grace to help all of us navigate the uncharted waters of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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