Waiting in the Wings


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Waiting in the Wings is a book of photos by Anita Buzzy Prentiss and quotes of professional dancers from Pittsburgh during the COVID-19 pandemic. This book invites us to understand what it must have been like to be a dancer forced off stage and away from doing the thing they most love. The photos show strength, grace and the soaring beauty of these dancers, and their insightful quotes give us a chance for us to think about how the pandemic may have taken away our own joy in some ways (but may have given us a new appreciation of our lives as in other ways) as we make it through this strange COVID-19 time together.


  • Creating community in the shared experience of being “off stage” during the pandemic, for dancers as well as anyone experiencing major life transitions.
  • Bringing awareness to the support and resources available during challenging times. A portion of this book’s proceeds funds positive mental health workshops for dancers (facilitated by Minding the Gap).


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